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7+ Years
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5 Star
Software Package Includes
Home Page (logo,flash header,short description,achiever list,news) | |
About Us (about the company with one image) | |
Product & Services | |
Business Plan | |
Legal (company registration form, PAN card, other legal documents) | |
Photo Gallery (achiever photos/event photos) | |
Contact us (company address with phone, mobile, and email id) | |
Terms and Conditions | |
Login (separate panel for members) | |
Join now (online new joining form via product purchase or ePin) | |
Email integration |
Member Login
Joining Welcome Letter | |
Dashboard (Display summary) | |
View & Modify Profile | |
Bank account modification with transaction password | |
List Direct joinings | |
Search downline by name & ID | |
All Income Reports | |
Current Payout Status | |
Statement(printable payout statement) | |
ePin Request (request for purchasing) | |
eWallet withdrawal | |
Modify detail (using transaction password) |
Genealogy Tree ( direct tree structure, Binary) | |
Downline list in tabular form | |
Active,Inactive,Direct Members list | |
Closing Payout (payout credited in member account after closing) | |
TDS Report | |
Check ePin status | |
eWallet status(balance status of ewallet) | |
Order History | |
Generate Support Tickets | |
Check Ticket Status |
Super Admin Login
Manage Joinings (Block/Modify/Delete/Reset Passwords) | |
Send/Resend Email & SMS | |
Post Notice & Events | |
Report export (excel,word,pdf,csv) | |
Payout Closing(daily/weekly/monthly as per your plan) | |
Payout Statement(closing wise statement) | |
TDS Reports | |
ID wise payout Status | |
Downline List(Search/Shift member's downline) | |
Member Up line(find up line list of any member ) |
Geneology tree of any ID | |
Transaction Status(balance status) | |
Check member status(achievement,joinig,downline) | |
Promotion List | |
Joining Report(daywise,downlinewise) | |
Show Closing(datewise payout closing list) | |
PAN NO Report(memberlist with/without PAN Card) | |
Direct List(list of member's via sponsor id) | |
Level wise Report (Level1, level2,..) | |
Generate ePin | |
Send epin via SMS | |
ePin status (available/used/block) | |
ePin Reporting | |
Product/Package management | |
New Order`s Reporting/Approval | |
Support ticket management |